Monday 20 February 2012

Chloe's Christening

With new babies, come the oohs, aahs, and, of course, the Christening.

On Sunday,19th February the sun shone and sweet baby Chloe was christened at Wimborne Minster at 12.45 p.m.  It was a beautiful occasion.

                                          Caroline and Mike with baby Chloe

                                         The font stands on eight Purbeck marble shafts.  The basin is octagonal and of the late Norman or early Decorated period.  Originally decorated with semi-precious stones it was stripped in Puritan times.

The Godparents, Alun, Caroline's brother, Joanna, Mike's sister and Hannah, Caroline's friend from U.C.L.

The Revd Derek Tighe, who also married Mike and Caroline at Wimborne Minister on 19th September, 2009.

Chloe's christening gown was made by my mother, Ethel Hilton, who has sadly passed away, but I am sure she was watching.  Caroline also wore this gown for her christening.

A great party afterwards at Mike and Caroline's home with family and close friends to celebrate.

Afternoon tea was served and thank you Gemma for making such a wonderful christening cake.  It was delicious.  So beautiful.

What can I do for the new young family?  My role today was onlooker, supporter, cook, consultant, and yes, Nanna.

The christening of Chloe is a major milestone and a day to celebrate her young life as she sets out on life's journey.  May the blessings she received today guide her thoughout her life.  We love you and will always be here for you. x